Monday, March 29, 2010

Festival of Colors

On Saturday we went to the Holi Festival of Colors which is an Indian celebration of the beginning spring and the end of winter. Basically how it works is everyone has bags of colored powder and after watching some traditional dances and listening to some music they light an effigy of the witch "Holi" and then everyone throws their colors into the air. We had a blast and as you can see we got covered in color.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fountains at the Bellagio

The fountain show was actually running during both of these photos, but the fountains behind Christine all went down right as Mikey took the picture.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dilbert and Alice

Okay, I know I am a bit behind but I just came across this picture from our Halloween costumes and couldn't resist sharing it. We were Alice and Dilbert. We thought it was pretty funny, but not too many people knew who they were.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This is my adorable dog daisy, or as Michael calls her Dog. She answers to quite a few names now including Money in the Bank, Doggins, Puppy Pants, and Dogface all thanks to my sweet relatives who each had to come up with their own name for her.